Saturday, October 3, 2009

Drama... ugh

So today is Saturday, the day before this is due.. and once again I'm procrastinating. I wasn't sure what to write about this week. I did think about it, but all I could think of was how my crazy week went. So somehow we're going to make this my blog and have some kind of lesson learned by the end of this post.
On Sunday of last week I was texting a friend and my drama for the week already started happening! I thought I was going to go through the roof. I absolutly hate drama. Who doesn't.. But for some reason, everyone gets involved in some kind of drama throughout the year. And some people are magnents to drama and attract it like butter and TOAST! Those kind of people drive me nuts and I hate being around them because theres always something wrong because there always a drama situation in their lives! Luckily I try to stay out of it the best I can. Then throughout the week little things would happen with other people that I'd get stuck in the middle of and I'd find ways to get out of the stupid drama. If you haven't noticed girls are the one that cause the most drama. But sometimes I feel like guys like to drive people crazy and cause some intermediate drama as well. I would think that the guys would so much rather stay out of drama than be the center of it. I don't know. How would I know?  But whatever floats their boat I guess. So as the week went on I saw soo much drama unfurl right before my eyes! Girls were crying guys were being stupid to the girls.. blah blah. Sometimes I feel like people want drama just to show it off. But thats really stupid. On Thursday I went to frightmares with some really good friends, and aparently, I am completely under the radar. So many things have happened that I had no idea about. Drama is scary and people for some reason actually like it which is very bazaar! If you think about it, drama wouldn't be such a problem if people would think before they talk. We all have a filter from our head to our mouths, but its up to us whether or not we want to use it. Its really sad that when people think of teenagers or say something about teenagers that they first think how much drama we cause. It doesn't have to be that way but it's mostly those people who attarct drama and somewhat like it and the attention who have to start it and cause all the commotion. So it is up to the people who don't want to get into the drama to stop it or keep the drama low. My theory is that if you don't want drama then don't get in the middle of other people's problems. Life as a teenager would be ten times easier if people thought about what their actions would cause.